


Name: Phoenix wright-delite

AGE: 21 years old

Pronouns: HE/HIM/HIS

Sexuality: CIS

After his acquittal, then Phoenix Wright continued his studies in law. Not much happens in his life before his career as an attorney but, he does experience some dramas just as much as any other graduating student, studying law no less.


Phoenix is still a bit of a dweeb and a tad hint of being immature despite his reflection and last piece of advice Mia gave to him.Phoenix is in a relationship with Iris, the one who posed as his ex-girlfriend. Because of information coming to light, he now knows the truth before he makes his way as a lawyer.Grew up with no affectionate parents and had been longing for that kind of family love.Has a tasteful desire on living a risky/dangerous life like his adoptive parents, the DeLites.


My name is Matthew, cis he/him, and I'm a 19 year old college student studying Psychology (like you know who). I fell in love with the series 7 years ago, and I love the spinoffs and other games like this one as well. I like video games in general. I'm a pretty open guy about a lot of things such as gender, race, religion, and mental illnesses as all of these are part of us that makes us human, so ease your worries when interacting if there are any.

Some Rules and things to know about the account

//- Used for ooc texts
()- Thoughts of muse
**- For Actions

Some 18+ content will be posted such as themes about murder, mental illness, trauma, and etc. but not explicit NSFW
I'd appreciate any RP especially if planned through the DM's so, please do not hesitate to hmu
Please do not interact with below-the-belt insults that would:
a.) Discriminate against gender/race/religion/etc.
b.) Insult the mun or other mun/s
involved in a tweet
c.) Make anyone feel threatened in real life and may in turn cause self harm.

It should be clear that this is an RP acc, so please do not use my real name.
If I make a mistake or a wrong assumption about your muse, please clarify with me through a dm. So that I may delete a tweet post-haste (not that I'll make too much of that, don't worry).
Any comments I make that makes you feel wrong or uncomfortable please DM or block me. I apologize in advance.
My dream ship for Phoenix is actually Iris, but if that doesn't turn out well then we'll just have to see. I'm pretty excited what could happen for him.
DM is open for ya'll


Desiree DeLite

My adoptive mother who never seems to fall short of loving her family.Has a very adventurous and daring spirit especially when she's "flying".Always spreads the love to anyone for a smile, especially for us, her family.Seems to be madly in love with my Ron DeLite.

Ron DeLite

The very timid but loving husband of Desiree DeLite. My adoptive father who is always out of the house due to work, but he gives his free time to bond with us. Promised to teach me his masterful craft.Has a secret identity, but that's all I'm gonna tell.

Gasoline DeLite

My little brother who used to be a literal motorcycle. Still relatively young, but is kinda mature (?). He also inherited a lot from mother's demeanor and attitude.Sometimes throws a temper at us and runs away (If found alone or/especially if in danger, contact Mrs. Desiree Delite or myself.)Don't hurt him or I'll clap you.

Brian Alexander Parks

My closest friend, that's why I call him "bro" because it literally feels like he understands me the most. Getting hotter by the day, smh I feel envious. Helped me out on his helicopter once, I guess his fortune is bottomless.He's in currently in a solid relationship with Klavier.Supports me a lot even if I'm being stupid, that's a different level of wholesome right there.

Vera Misham

A talented artist, I met her once when I asked to draw someone from her and she wonderfully obliged with outstanding results. It seems she's getting to know the world better, and even found herself some love.I think she's pretty friendly, and a little softie too. As her friend, like many of my friends, I will protecc at all cost.She's pretty scary with how she gets all this tea and spills it out for everyone.

Thalassa Justice

A talented magician and a renowned singer under an alias, but it seems she's staying lowkey to be with her family more.I've talked to her quite a few times, she's a kind soul and a kind mother (she kinda reminds me of my mom, Desiree).She's friendly, but quite sassy sometimes especially to her mortal enemies.

Iris Hawthorne

Another version of Iris who's kind-hearted and friendly as you might expect.She's in a relationship with another version of me and Jove Justice, I believe. I've talked to her a few times, but I think there's more to her than meets the eye.I think she and my girlfriend are friends.

Miles Edgeworth

All Edgeworths are special to me, so he's no exemption. He's special to me too.He's my childhood friend, or at least a version of him I suppose. Still a dear friend nonetheless.I've talked with him when he had a sad episode, it really was concerning but I'm glad I was there for comfort.I believe that he's into art, can't wait for his future works and whatnot.

Iris Hawthorne

My sweet girlfriend who never fails to make me feel soft and loved.She's really concerned not just for me, but to generally everyone. She's just so lovely isn't she?We've reconciled from our past together. She's her true self now, and we're together again. Nothing makes me happier in the world. <3She has a lot of sadness buried deep within. I don't blame her. She experienced a lot ever since, but I'm doing my best to pour all my love and affection to replace her depression into genuine happiness, I love her so much.Do not lay a finger on her or I will mark you on the Phoenix blacklist next to Redd White and Zak Gramarye. (The other Phoenixes warned me about them),